Today is little Z’s last day here in the big metro. In a few hours from now (since it is already almost 2 AM in this side of the world), we will travel back home and I will be leaving him with my Mom and sister again. *Sigh* And since my little boy and my sis are stuck in the house the whole week, I make it a point that I bring them out during weekends. And today was no exception. I have seen the ads in my FB newsfeeds regarding Mommy Mundo’s Expo Mom bazaar in Glorietta. Being a […]
Z’s Busy Saturday…
Last Saturday was a busy one for me and my little Z (and of course, with my sister as well :P). We got a last minute invite to the christening of my office mate’s baby who was a month younger than Z at Max’s Restaurant in Robinson’s Galleria then off to BGC for a meet up and a play date. We got home late night already (way past Z’s bedtime, actually.. Yikes!). I didn’t know that Highstreet had an event that day – something about a photography event, so a lot of people were there. Even our usual hang out […]
First Ever Mother’s Day…
This is the first time that I celebrate Mother’s Day as a legitimate (for the lack of better term haha) mother. I have been greeted before with “happy mother’s day” due to the fact that I have somehow became a nanny of my friend’s kids and all that. It, somehow, became some sort of a joke. When I was a lot younger (around high school age, to be specific), I came up with a vague life plan. One of the plans was to be married by age 25 and with two kids – a boy and a girl. Well, I […]
Missing Little Z…
It’s already Friday dawn on this side of the world. I should be getting some sleep since I still have to work later today before I take another long commute home to my little boy. It’s been just 4 days (well, not counting today yet) since I last saw little Z but I do miss him terribly. I was able to see him online a couple of days ago, though. But then again, who am I kidding, right? Seeing your little boy on the screen and seeing him and actually able to hold him, hug him and kiss him are […]
Good Friday Indeed…
So, I arrived in the mountain city earlier tonight, around quarter to eight. It was actually surprising that the usual 6.5 hours commute became 5.5 hours travel from the big metro. I guess you can chalk it up to lesser people on the roads to cause heavy traffic jams (since most of them have already gone home earlier in the week), and the one way lanes already opened up to ease up the traffic. Well, except in the big metro, I guess, since the road re-blocking has started yesterday . And my little boy was so happy to see me. […]
The Graduate…
So my son had his usual eye check up this afternoon. It was surprising that there was no queue of patients that when we got to the clinic, my little Z was immediately called. Thirty minutes after getting there, we were done! 🙂 The fastest consultation schedule to date. LOL! Anyway, little Z had his lens extraction surgery last December (see here for the story) and had been on bi-monthly consultation schedule from January to first week of March. It was tedious and tiring for the first two months since every other week, I had to bring him down to […]
7 Months…
My baby just turned 7 months. Boy, where did all those months go? I keep thinking that time has been moving so fast when it comes to my baby’s growth. He still doesn’t do a lot of things compared to other babies his age and he does seem to be taking his time. That’s fine with me. He loves standing up now. He likes to be held up so he can stomp his feet on the ground. He jumps, too, every now and then. LOL! He also loves taking his glasses off just to chew it. LOL! He cannot sit […]
Z’s Save the date…
I got news earlier in the evening that my baby will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Yipee! According to my Mom, he is already back to his old self, his poop is no longer watery and he doesn’t poop every after feeding. And that is such a good sign. I am so happy about it. At least that takes out one thing that doesn’t make me sleep at night. Anyway, I was able to finish little Z’s save the date video for his baby dedication. Given that I have limited resources (including laptop, software and other stuff that I […]
Random Thoughts
I’ve been thinking quite a lot lately. I know, I know, I should just let things go and get some sleep before the sun rises again. But hey, sometimes, I can’t help it. I think about everything and nothing. I think about possibilities, make plans, set goals and other what-nots. Well, this activity occupies my so-called idle times of the day (whenever that is). Just some of the things that I’ve been thinking about lately: – I’m still trying so hard to come up with a balance between being a career woman and a mom. When people tell you this […]
Little Z’s First Food
I’ve been wanting to start Little Z with solids as early as 4 months but given all the medical hullabaloo that he went through last year, I knew I had to postpone it. And I was advised against it, too, given that he was having milk reflux when he was a lot younger. I have decided to start him with solids since the little boy is turning 6 months by the end of the week. After a few weeks of trying to find something that I can feed him – checking all 1st food of Gerber, Healthy Options and what-nots, […]