My baby just turned 7 months. Boy, where did all those months go? I keep thinking that time has been moving so fast when it comes to my baby’s growth.
He still doesn’t do a lot of things compared to other babies his age and he does seem to be taking his time. That’s fine with me. He loves standing up now. He likes to be held up so he can stomp his feet on the ground. He jumps, too, every now and then. LOL! He also loves taking his glasses off just to chew it. LOL!

He cannot sit on his own yet (and I think this is because he really doesn’t want to, unless you buckle him up on his chair haha). But he can sit with assistance. I think he is teething, too. Or about to start since, according to my sister, there are times that he bites his toys with so much gusto that his mouth had fibers from biting his cloth rattle. He’s got his soothers and he plays with those, too. Only he likes to wave it around and accidentally hitting himself while at it too. π And he loves to laugh! Yep, I’ve got a one jolly kiddo! π
He is eating solids now, twice a day. And good thing he loves his Cerelac now (the wheat-banana flavor and any other flavored ones. He doesn’t like the plain one). As of now, we cannot feed him with “natural” food yet as per his pedia since his stomach appears to be quite sensitive. So we’re a little bit more careful with what we try to feed him. Hopefully, in the next coming months, we can start feeding him with natural food instead. Can’t wait to start on that. π

As I write this, my little boy is already asleep beside me. I’ve been watching him since a few hours ago as I pack our bags for our trip to the big metro tomorrow (well, later today on this side of the world, that is) and boy, this kid has way too much energy even when sleeping. He’s already made several turns over the past few hours and now occupies about 3/4 of the bed’s width. LOL! Β He loves sleeping on his stomach, too. And doesn’t care much for a blanket since he keeps on kicking it off.

Anyway, since we weren’t able to go out this afternoon for our usual Saturday outings (because I fell asleep when I got home and little Z slept, too), I left the little boy at home while I went out to run a few errands before dinner time. My Mom wasn’t home since she had an out of town training so we celebrated Z’s 7th month with my brother’s peers who came over. I bought food since we didn’t have time to cook. Yep, we got food from your friendly neighborhood – Good Taste! And the cake came from Red Ribbon. π

I am still waiting for my brother to send the photos over so I can upload them. π