Last April, I blogged about Z’s physical therapy sessions. His PT sessions are now scheduled every Saturday. Well, I still have to get up early since his therapy is still in the mornings but it’s not as stressful as preparing for therapy on Wednesday mornings. However, as of last week, Z started sessions for occupational therapy. Since it is already the start of classes for some schools, therapy sessions were rescheduled so a slot was opened for Z for Monday morning session. I know, good luck with the traffic. Last Monday’s traffic wasn’t so bad though. We don’t really pass by busy thoroughfares so […]
Physical Therapy Wednesdays…
Since Z arrived in the big metro last February, he has been scheduled for a weekly session for physical therapy. He needs this to help him develop his gross motor skills such as walking, running, crawling, etc. While Z is already walking, he still needs to have his core muscles strengthened for him to have better balance. Every Wednesday, this sleepless Momma needs to wake up early to bring the little boy to his weekly classes, as what I call it. His physical therapy session is done through play and I really like the play gym that MedMom has. They really have […]