Swimming is something that you really can’t unlearn once you learn how to do it. Last year, I wrote about Z’s swimming activities (you can read them here). But his swimming activities was not as consistent as it should have been because I was still dependent on what he does during his physical therapy sessions. However, even when we seldom go swimming, the little boy has been improving a lot. And I say, A LOT!
Physical Therapy Wednesdays…
Since Z arrived in the big metro last February, he has been scheduled for a weekly session for physical therapy. He needs this to help him develop his gross motor skills such as walking, running, crawling, etc. While Z is already walking, he still needs to have his core muscles strengthened for him to have better balance. Every Wednesday, this sleepless Momma needs to wake up early to bring the little boy to his weekly classes, as what I call it. His physical therapy session is done through play and I really like the play gym that MedMom has. They really have […]
Beating the Summer Heat…
I don’t know with you guys, but this summer heat is killing me. It’s hard to sleep at night, it’s hard to go out during day time, it is so hard to move even. It feels like every ounce of energy is being sucked out of me regardless of what I do. On top of this heat, this Momma is sooo in need of a massage. I have been quite stressed out for some time now and I think I need a little relaxation. If only I can find the time to get a massage. Oh well.
Summer is already upon us on this side of the world and what better way to beat the heat than swimming, yeah? 😀 We didn’t leave the house today since it was really hot this afternoon. So after Z’s nap, we went down to the pool to cool down. Thank God this place has its own swimming pool, albeit small, it does the job. 🙂
And The Journey Begins Again…
My son’s medical journey, I mean. After several months of hiatus from the rigorous process of setting doctors’ appointments and consultations, we are once again back in the same route. Before I go further, let me share this to you: Yes, I finally became a member of DSAPI. After several months of contemplation, I finally realized and accepted that I need them for my son. Let’s just say that I am still in the process of accepting my new reality and that it was not the reality that I had hoped and planned for. It’s not going to as easy as 1-2-3, […]