Today is my birthday. Well, technically, in my side of the world, it was yesterday. I just gained another year in life. Do I feel any different? No, I don’t think so. 😀 I am just so happy that I get to spend my special day with my little Z. I woke up to see him smiling, I got a hug and several kisses (and bites) from him as well. LOL! To me, that was the best gift that I could receive. I wouldn’t trade that for anything else. I also spent the morning playing with him before we took […]
A New Chapter…
I had a blog for my pregnancy journey that I shared to a few family and friends. It was one hell of a journey that was. It was enjoyable, fun, worrisome, and all that rolled into one. Well, I didn’t enjoy going through labor to be honest. That was a whole lot of pain to be endured just to bring into this world the love of my life. So, here is a new chapter of my journey. Being a Mom. There are times that it still feels all so surreal. Sometimes, when I watch my son sleep in the wee hours […]