Overall, regardless of the day or the time, I am so honored to be a mom to a very special boy. My son has brought me so much joy since he came to my life. He forced me to become a better person and to push myself further to achieve my goals. Most of all, he showed me how it feels to be loved and to love unconditionally. For that alone, I am thankful.
Mother’s Day Special – Thank You, Mama!
Thank you for not giving up on us, even when we have given you so much headache and heartache in our younger years. 🙂
Now that I am a mom myself, I am starting to realize how hard it is to be you. With everything that our family has gone through, you have shown strength, courage and determination. And a lot of love and patience.
Mother’s Day Celebration…
I know, I know. Mothers’ Day was last week and my post is already late. Pardon my being absent from my own blog for the past three weeks as it has been a bit busy time for me. (Nothing new there, actually). Last weekend, we went home to the mountain city since Z’s nanny needed to go home to her hometown for the election so I needed to leave the little boy back home because they missed him, too. 🙂 As of this writing, my son is still there with my Mom, spending another week before I pick them up this coming […]
First Ever Mother’s Day…
This is the first time that I celebrate Mother’s Day as a legitimate (for the lack of better term haha) mother. I have been greeted before with “happy mother’s day” due to the fact that I have somehow became a nanny of my friend’s kids and all that. It, somehow, became some sort of a joke. When I was a lot younger (around high school age, to be specific), I came up with a vague life plan. One of the plans was to be married by age 25 and with two kids – a boy and a girl. Well, I […]