12 Days For The Year That Was – August 2015

It’s already 6AM here and I just got settled on my bed. I’ve finished my Christmas shopping today. Yey! The hoards of people everywhere is outrageous. Good thing I only have a short list this year and was able to get them all in two days’ time. I also finished baking 10 packs of cookies to be delivered tomorrow, well, today and something else for my own giveaway to just a selected few.

Oh, and I got one of the greatest news this afternoon. My cousin already gave birth. Welcome to the world, Baby SR! 😀 My brother already sent me a photo and she is so cute, her cheeks so chubby. 😀 I can’t wait to carry her. 🙂 Good job to my cousin, Aiya, for having a normal delivery. While Baby SR is 5 weeks premature, she is healthy and doing great as per the update of my Aunt in Facebook. Mommy and baby are doing fine. Hope they will be home before Christmas, though. Christmas would be fun! 😀

So, August of this year. My son celebrated his second year of life. I remember being undecided of what to do until I almost ran out of time so I settled with a Jollibee party since they were the quickest one to respond to my queries. Apart from my son’s birthday, I really can’t remember much of what happened this month. And even if I can’t remember much – since it appears that the days went by so quickly – all I can remember was the feeling of amazement and awe. I was so amazed with the Little Z’s progress. He is still delayed and still has a long way to go but I know that he is taking his own sweet time in hitting his milestones. He knows what he wants and he knows how to get it.

Anyway, I will keep this short and straightforward as it is already light outside and I need to get a few hours of sleep before my day begins. For the month of August, I am grateful for the gift of life. I am grateful for the life of my son and I am thankful that I get to be the Mom to a wonderful, joyful little boy that is full of surprises. I don’t think there is anything more that I can ask for, well, maybe apart from good health for everyone in my family. 🙂

What about you? How was your August this year? 😀




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