It was my birthday weekend which was spent quietly. It seems that I have been spending my birthdays quietly for the past few years now. Signs of the times, I guess. Haha!
Before I got pregnant, I used to celebrate my birthday partying with friends. We would be drinking until the wee hours in the morning and nurse a hangover the next day. Chill during day time, then back to partying the next night. Nowadays, I celebrate birthdays in a totally different way. I guess I am really getting older now.
So I turned another year older. I don’t feel any different. I am still the stressed out momma in need of a very long vacation. Haha!
Anyway, I was on leave last Friday since that was my actual birthday. The day was nothing special. I spent the half of it catching up on a much needed sleep. We went to the mall in the afternoon and just roamed around. I enjoyed watching the little boy running around and screaming in excitement! LOL! I even forgot to take a photo of him doing just that.
We also had our late snack/early dinner at Conti’s. Then we went to the grocery after.

After the little boy went to sleep that night, I went out to get a massage just across the street. It felt nice but I guess I need more than an hour to ease all the stiffness in my body.
While others go to bed after a good massage, I decided to fire up my oven and bake a cake. I was baking up until 3AM the next morning.
Given that I slept so late, I woke up at around noon on Saturday. While the little boy napped, I went on to assemble and frost the cake I baked. And I must say, it’s hard frosting cakes without proper tools and proper training. And this is the best that I can do with a couple of spatulas and a makeshift turner.

It’s the second time that I baked my own cake. Last year, I baked chocolate cake. This year, it’s carrot cake. I’m already thinking what I’ll be baking for next year. LOL!
I had a small celebration at home with my closest friends on Saturday night. And instead of ordering pancit elsewhere, I decided to cook instead. And because I love garlic toast, I made my own herbed garlic wheat toast as well. Since I haven’t tried roasting chicken in my oven yet, I didn’t attempt to anymore. Rather, I opted to buy roasted chicken from Andok’s.

Here’s a few more photos from Saturday night’s intimate gathering at home with friends. Oh, be warned though. My house is a mess and you’ll see glimpses of it. That’ll be for a different topic on a different day though.

Sunday was spent with just the little boy at home since the nanny had her day off. We spent it sleeping, doing the laundry and just basically chilling at home. It’s been a tiring weekend and rest was what we both needed before starting another week.
There goes my birthday weekend. There was really nothing special about it except for the fact that the people around me – my son and my closest friends – are here to celebrate with me.
So, as I usually say, another chapter closed and a new one started. Hopefully, I learned something from last year’s experiences and hope that this year will be better. I am not a religious person but I thank the Lord for giving me another year to celebrate, to learn, to become a better version of me. I have also prayed for what I wanted and I hope the Lord with grant it soon.
And as they say, this year is going to be the best year yet. So cheers to another year of adventure and misadventures for the control-freak mom!