Okay, day 30 challenge is being done one day late and I have the perfect reason why it is so. I was having severe migraine attacks yesterday and it was no fun at all. On and off pain I felt so I slept most of the day and night yesterday.
Anyway, I am not really sure if I will answer this question. If I write something down, then that would mean that everybody else will know what not many knew. Get the point?
For so this challenge, I would say that there are a quite a few things that only a handful of people know about me. And there are information about me that not all of my friends know as well. Some may know but others don’t. And there are also information that my family knows but not my friends.
With that said, I think I just failed this challenge because I am not about to reveal something that not many know about me. 🙂
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I get what you mean by this blog, mommy Liz! I hesitate revealing certain things about myself too. I don’t mind my friends and family finding out, what I do care about is confusing people about who I am.