A little more than a year ago, I started a new blog to document my unexpected journey into pregnancy, then eventually started this blog as a new chapter when my son was born (well, I started this blog because it has more storage space and it is easier to navigate than the one I used. That was actually the reason. Although I already have another blog here that I still maintain. Didn’t think of using that though, LOL!).
The first post I published (see here) was something about the very early movements of a fetus that could be felt. Now that I read that post back, I do remember trying desperately to feel my little baby’s movement every morning I wake up. I would lie very still in bed, take deep breaths then try to gently press on my abdomen to try to get a feel of the slightest movement of the little life growing inside me. I have been doing that until it came to a point that I don’t have to press on my abdomen to feel the movements. 🙂
A little over a year after doing that exercise, if you will, I still feel my son’s movement every morning. Although no longer inside me but rather, beside me, kicking my stomach, patting my arm and sometimes hitting my face while I sleep. LOL! He is a very early riser while I am a very late sleeper. And I, most of the time, sleep a few more hours after he wakes up. My sister used to wake up a little after little Z wakes up and she takes care of him while I get a few more hours sleep. However, I am working on making some adjustments on my schedule, too. I now wake up a little after Z wakes up. I give him his milk, bathe him, feed him then spend time playing with him in the morning while I let my sister sleep. I soak his used bottles from the night before, too, and my sister finishes washing them once she wakes up. A few hours before lunch time, little Z takes a nap and I nap with him to get additional hours sleep. 🙂 Clever, huh? LOL! Although I still have misses with this adjustment and my sister still does the work more often than not. Note to self: work harder on improving time management skills.
Anyway, going back. It seems that last year was so far away when I look at my son now. I never really realized how desperate you’d want to feel your baby’s movements while in utero whereas, once your baby is out and starts kicking you for real (like my son does), you’d start wondering how that tiny little fetus that you could see only via ultrasound grow into something that could have such strength at such a very young age?
I am very grateful that, despite my son’s condition (which I keep forgetting to write about <*putting a reminder on the calendar*>), he is growing to be a healthy, strong big boy. That in itself, if I would say so myself, is a miracle. A few delays here and misses there, but all in all, little Z is doing well in the health department. But of course, he still needs constant visits to doctors and specialists which I would have to start by next month.
Anyway, this post is now going everywhere again so I might as well end here for now. It is real nice reading back the posts I’ve published while pregnant every once in a while and then compare it to what’s happening now. Something to try, I’d say. 🙂