Z has his consultation with the development pediatrician every 6 months. Last month, we visited the good doctor for his first session this year.
Dev-pedia consults are actually nerve-wracking for me. Sometimes, or most of the time, I feel like I am not doing enough once I find out that Z’s progress is very slow. Last month’s consultation was somehow better. His assessment? A charming little boy of stated age. I love that!
While Z only had about 2-3 months worth of progress from the last consult, I think we are still on the right track.
Z is turning 4 in a couple of months. But in terms of development, he is still at about 17-18 months old. We still have a long way to go to catch up with his age. We have a long list to work on but a couple of things that are top priority would be potty training and independent feeding.
Regardless of the list of our things-to-do, I have seen Z’s progress and I could say that he is learning by the day. It really seems like he’s taking his time in learning things.
For the past 6 months, Z learned to do a lot of things and he has also shown a lot of his interests. So bear with me as I share a few photos of Z’s moments of milestones and interests for the past 6 months.
There are things that we can do that we normally take for granted. But for kids with Down syndrome, these things need to be taught for them to learn how. Z goes to therapy twice a week to help him learn how to do things. And here are just some of the milestones he’s hit this year.

Apart from cars (yes, my charming little boy loves cars), he loves doing a lot of other things. I think these interests sprouts from what he normally see us do at home. He also loves running on grass. There must be something about greenery that attracts this little boy so much!

Therapy Sessions
Z still attends occupational therapy twice a week. While Z is still non-verbal, his doctor didn’t recommend getting speech therapy just yet. Though I know that I have to prepare to have one scheduled, too. Z knows a few words: car, truck, hi, bye, star, bear, baby. While he can’t pronounce the words properly yet, the mere fact that he can say those words now are milestones in itself.

A Charming Little Boy Indeed
Who wouldn’t find Z a charming little boy when he smiles all the time? He loves saying hi and bye-bye to people with matching flying kisses. Haha! He waves as he says hi and he waves when he says bye. During Skype session with Mama Nana, he would always give Mama Nana a kiss by kissing the screen.
He loves to give me hugs and lots of kisses, too.

And while I know that we all have to work hard to make a lot more progress in terms of Z’s development, I am just glad that he is growing up to be a cheerful little boy.