I enjoy watching short films (or usually called shorts) from different brands. They usually leave you with different kinds of emotions, depending on the message they want to send out. But have you noticed that oftentimes these shorts require a handful of tissues to be on hand before watching? And Sun Life’s short films, #SunShorts, are no exemptions.
I stumbled upon Sun Life’s “She Said, She Said” short film when one of my blogger friends, May of Fully Housewifed, posted it in Facebook. And I just couldn’t stop a few tears run down my cheeks as I watch it.
If you’re a Mom, I know, just like me, you would be agreeing to this mom’s message. Here’s the video:
I wasn’t ready to become a mom either when I found out I was pregnant. But I thought that becoming one is automatic, that it comes naturally. Apparently, I was wrong.
I used to be able to make quick decisions and stand firm by it. Nowadays, I always question my decisions. Am I doing the right thing? Am I doing enough? Do I need to do more? Am I spending enough time with my child? Have I provided everything my child needs?
Oh, so many questions. So many second-guessing ourselves. So much guilt for something so little. I guess it is a mom thing to be too tough on ourselves, too.
But come to think of it, we haven’t really tried looking ourselves from our child’s eyes, don’t you agree? While we question ourselves and our decisions, sometimes, we fail to see the look on our kids’ faces when they see us. Our kids look up to us with wonder, amazement, trust and so much love.
I am guilty of being too hard on myself, too. And I can so relate to this mom with all her questions and worries. I spend so much time working and sometimes I wonder if I am spending enough quality time with my son.
Raising my son on my own is one tough journey so far, but it is a journey that I will never change. And Sun Life’s short is actually a great reminder for me to slow down a bit and try to see myself as how my child sees me. And if I think that he sees me as something good and doing good, then I have to believe that I am doing enough.