Yep, it’s that shortest month of the year again, and this year, the month’s got an extra day. It’s the leap year so February gets 29 days again. For the past couple of years, I have always been mentioning how I hate this month for the reason that it feels too long. However, I think this is the first year that I will say that I am excited. Well, I have several reasons and indulge me as I tell you all about it.
We have found a nanny for Z! 😀 Z had a nanny previously – a stay-out nanny in the mountain city – and her contract ended last December. My Mom and I agreed that we will not renew her contract due to several reasons. (I’ll have to blog about my nanny stories some other time). Last month, we have been searching for a stay-in nanny for Z willing to work in the big metro so my son can stay with me. Last Wednesday, she already reported for duty. I met her over the weekend and so far, I liked what I saw. Even my Mom said that she is okay.
Since last week, I have been busy preparing my home for Z. I have been cleaning, washing clothes, rearranging stuff, and making sure that the place is safe for my son. I’ve just finished doing laundry consisting of bedsheets, curtains and blankets. 😛
This weekend, I will be going home again to the mountain city to pick up my son and the nanny. We will be travelling back to the big metro on Monday (to avoid the weekend chaos at the bus terminal and the heavy traffic jams along the way). I am soooo excited!
But of course, we wouldn’t be travelling back before celebrating my Mom’s birthday. Her birthday is on Valentine’s day so we – my siblings and I – are planning on a family celebration. It will be the first family lunch that we will have this year (since we weren’t able to do it last month).
The thought of having Z finally staying here with me is exhilarating. I am already starting to plan a lot of things that we will be doing – places to see, activities to do, events to go to. I am also preparing for his therapy schedules and doctors’ appointments as well as play dates. 😀
But at the same time, I am feeling a bit anxious, too. This is the first time that Z will really be living with me and I will be his sole guardian. Meaning, I am going to be a full-time Mom. No longer a weekend Mom. And the thought that it will just be me guiding him and providing instructions to the nanny, it’s a bit worrying. Can I really do this? Am I going to be Mom enough for Z? Can I handle the responsibility?
It’s really going to be a challenge but it is a challenge that I have been waiting for for a long time now. I am sooo looking forward to waking up seeing my son beside me every single day – not just weekends anymore. And I am really excited to watch him grow every single day.
Oh, by the way, February is also Down’s syndrome Awareness Month. And I have decided to join the Happy Walk happening on the 21st. I am excited to meet and bond with other families who’s got a family member with Ds. And I would love to see some of the Moms that I have been chatting with every now and then as well. It will be so much fun.
I am looking forward to the days of this month. 🙂