12 Days For The Year That Was – May 2015

So it’s already 6:30AM on this side of the world. It’s already light outside and I have just finished baking 4 batches of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies to complete a 17 pack order. It was tiring but also very fulfilling. I never expected it but I am really happy that a few people appreciate my baking. I didn’t even have the guts to really put it out there and turn it into a business but my office mates were already badgering me to sell to them. So I am happy.

It’s already the 18th here; 7 days before Christmas. Time has really gone by so fast. Anyway, here we are on the 5th month. First of May here is Labor Day. And it was indeed a day of labor for me that started my month. On this day, I was scheduled to move out of my apartment and in to the new one.  I remember having only 2 hours of sleep and probably a several gallons of adrenaline. I spent majority of this month cleaning the new place. Apparently, the caretaker of the unit didn’t have the place cleaned for the new tenants just as I had requested. Apart from settling into the new place, I can’t really remember what happened during this month. I guess it wasn’t that much.

Here’s one other highlight of this month. I started attending seminars about finances. I attended one of Bo Sanchez’s seminar about stock market investing and I also won a pass to Randell Tiongson’s Icon 2015. Even if I have only attended those two, I have learned so much. The information I have taken away from those events were much more that I expected which made me realize that those were the things that was looking for several years ago when I was so eager to start investing.

So for the month of May, I am grateful for the lessons about finances. I am still working on getting my finances aligned and I am still trying to learn the art of budgeting (yes, it is an art). Armed with the basic knowledge, I am now trying to make a conscious effort to stick to my budget. I still fail but I know I am already in the right direction. 🙂 I hope I will be able to attend more seminars and convention about financial freedom and investing next year.

Alright, I am ending this now so I can get a few hours of sleep. I still need to be up before noon so I can finish packing the goodies I just made. *So excited!*


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