For most of us, Monday is the start of the work week. For me, my work week started yesterday. Yep, I was at work on a Sunday. In fact, I was working all day since last Monday. And yes, I didn’t have a weekend because I had work. I wasn’t able to go home to my son. :'( Though I called home Saturday night to talk to him and Skype’d with him yesterday night before my late dinner. Suffice it to say that I miss my little Z so much.
Today was the start of our 4-week testing at work. It is the last testing stage that we have before implementation and everything has to properly work within this 4-week period. And my day will start at 9:30 AM. To say that I am not used to working the normal working hours (aka dayshift) is an understatement. I have been working the night shift for several years before shifting to mid day (which starts in the afternoon). I am used to sleeping majority of the morning and waking up at noon or afternoon, even. And to say that I have to sleep before midnight (or midnight being the cut-off) and wake up just as the sun comes up is a great challenge for my body clock. Or lack thereof.
Anyway, I was planning to wake up early this morning. I have my phones set to alarm by 6:30AM until 7:30 AM with 30-minute intervals. So much for alarms since I still woke up at 8:30AM. That was my fault, actually. I couldn’t sleep very well last night and I think I was only able to get some decent sleep by 3 in the morning. I was only able to take a quick shower with my brain still trying to wake up, changed clothes (good thing I finished my laundry last Saturday night) and got to work just in time for the 9:30AM briefing call that I forgot to log in to our time keeping system. 😛
And so there I was, from 9:30AM until 8PM, with about 20 other people stuck in the conference rooms with our own laptops doing the tasks that were assigned to us. Issues after issues were encountered, I couldn’t get anything done because there were some issues faced as well and then to end the day, the wrap up call that was supposed to be for only an hour, lasted for 2 hours. I had a lot of spreadsheets open all at the same time that I have been confusing myself which file I need to look into and which file would be my look ups and all that. And my brains were starting to freeze because somebody decided that the temperature in the room needs to be at 19 degrees celsius with the fan at the maximum. Half of the people in the room was feeling too cold to enter data efficiently because their hands were freezing.
To cut the story short (if there is a story in all of this), there are a lot of things that need to be accomplished in the next 4 weeks and we are still at day 1. 29 more days to go (and hopefully, no more weekend work).
Here’s to surviving the next 4 weeks.
Okay, I am off to neverland in the hopes that I will wake up early in the morning. 😛
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Goodluck mommy!
thanks! So far, I have survived day 3 and something got accomplished… 😀
My days rarely ever go as planned. But that’s life for us mommies. Wishing you all the best!
Thanks, Bismah 🙂