I haven’t been blogging as frequently as I wanted to these past few weeks because I have been very busy with work lately. One issue after another, all piling up and resolution is not as quick as we have wanted it to be. Sometimes, that is the dilemma that I encounter with working with people in different time zones all at time.
Anyway, it is already February, the shortest month of the year and yet, almost always, feels like the longest month ever. We are already in the second week so far and I am so wanting this month to end already. Hopefully by then, work load would have stabilized.
I really don’t have anything in mind to talk about right now. I just wanted to post something for the sake of posting and for letting my readers and followers know that I am still alive – just busy. 😁
This month is Down Syndrome Awareness month and if you have been following my blog for quite sometime, you would already know that my son has Down Syndrome. I have been planning to write about our journey so far for the longest time but I just didn’t know how to go through about it. I’ve had something drafted already and hopefully I can finalize it this month so I can share with you all.
For now, I hope you be patient with me while I try to stabilize my chaotic work schedule and level load my team’s tasks. Once we are settled and back to a somewhat normal routine, I sure will be pestering your readers with my non-sense, rants, something to share posts and all that.
I am still alive, survivng and – twisted as it may seem – having the most fun time at work amidst all the issues and chaos around me. #workaholicmomma