I was supposed to report to work the first half of the day. But then I had to text my supervisor to inform her that I will be on leave today. When I got home last night, little Z woke up and vomited. At around 6 in the morning, when he cuddled beside me, he was hot. Way opposite from his clammy skin the night before. I checked his temperature and he had a slight fever – 37.4 degrees Celsius. He didn’t want to lie down and didn’t want to be carried. He was too uncomfortable. I laid him on my chest and we slept for about an hour or so. When I checked his temperature again, it rose to 37.9. Sponge bath didn’t work quite well because he was still complaining. So, as my sister suggested, I bathed him instead. He relaxed after that and even took another bottle of milk before he napped. Then again, he woke up an hour after and vomited again. We decided to have him checked though I was suspecting that what he’s got is viral infection.
Before we left the house, I took his temperature again and – thank goodness – it went back to normal. He was at 36.5. As I suspected, the pedia said that it was indeed viral and that to continue his medication for his cough and for the fever. She also gave a prescription for when Z vomits again. The visit with the doctor went well as Z was already showing off how talkative he was and even making faces. LOL! He didn’t vomit again after that. Whew!

Today was Z’s scheduled consultation with his pedia-ophthal as well. As per the doctor, his eyes have improved a lot. *Whoopee!* His eyes still wobble a bit but not as much as it used to and he has better focus compared to the last consult. We need to change the lens of his glasses though. We are going back to the higher grade lens that he used to have. As previously advised, the grade of his lens would fluctuate before it will eventually go down. I am hoping that the next time we visit, the lens would be changed to a lower grade. Next appointment will be October the earliest or even January next year. 😀

So, there. That was how my day was. It was exhausting but I am happy and so relieved that little Z is OK. We still need to monitor his temperature and his disposition in the next few days just to make sure that he won’t get any worse than this morning. But all in all, I am glad that the little boy doesn’t need to be confined again. 😀