Blog Challenge: 3 Online friends you’ve never met in real life but hope to soon
I have quite a few online friends in Facebook that I haven’t met yet. A lot of them are online sellers whom I’ve bought stuff for baby gifts and for my baby’s needs as well. It would be nice to meet them some time, too. I have already met a couple of them at a bazaar I went to before I gave birth.
I also have an online friend for about ten years now that I haven’t met yet.
So, here’s the three that I would love to meet in the future:
1) Matt – he’s been my online friend since 2003. He used to be my source of good death metal music and such. An easy person to talk to and crazy as hell. LOL!
2) Clarissa Enriquez (Abebe Beybi Shop QC – online seller) – I got my son’s hi-lo bed chair from her and I have reserved a stroller from her latest album as well. It has been very easy to deal with her even if we only transact online. I would like to meet her (well, if I have the time, I could actually visit her shop to meet her) and probably ask how she started with her online store. She’s got good surplus items at very reasonable prices.
3) Marie Antonette Co (Little Angel Stuff – online seller) – I remember buying a few items from her before I gave birth, too. And now, I have another shipment from her for my little Z. It is very easy to deal with her, too, and so easy to negotiate with. She has very low prices on the items that she sells as I would also like to meet her to get a few tips on how she started her business and how she sustains the lower prices that she offers compared to other sellers.
So yes, most of the contacts I have online are mostly online sellers. I got into online shopping last year when I needed stuff for gifts that are not so commonly sold in department stores. Something unique and something that will stand out. And given that they have really nice items to sell at low prices compared to mall prices, it really inspired me to think about setting up my own. And meeting some of the online sellers I deal with to get ideas on how to start will really be a great help. Starting a business would need great contacts and I think I will be lucky that I have them in my list. 🙂
Photo Challenge: Feet
The photos were taken a few weeks apart: 😛