I should already be sleeping at this hour since I have an early training tomorrow. Note: 9 AM is way too early for me. 😛 I was already late yesterday for an hour and I don’t want to be late today. After training, I will be going straight to the bus terminal so I can go home to my baby love. I can’t wait for this day to end. It doesn’t matter if my apartment needs cleaning and my hamper is full. I’ll take care of that next week when I come back (yep, good luck to me).
Anyway, yesterday, I was rummaging through my photos (well, what’s left of it) and found my collection of pregnancy photos. I had taken a weekly photo of my tummy when I was pregnant. Around this time last year, I was at around 33-34 weeks. I remember how heavy I’ve felt those times. And I have documented what it felt like to be around 34 weeks pregnant, too. LOL! You can read all about it here.

If I felt big and heavy back then, when I see my son now, I think the same thing. He is big and heavy. LOL! It’s taking me a bit more effort to carry him and walk around and I cannot carry him in one arm for a long time already. I always have to carry him with both arms so I can support his weight and make sure that I don’t drop him. Given how active he is becoming, it takes a lot of effort to make sure I don’t drop him, too. 😛
In just about barely 4 weeks from now, my son will be turning 1. How time flies. I still remember the first time that I’ve held him in my arms and thinking what a big baby I brought into this world. LOL! You see, about two weeks before I gave birth, I had my final ultrasound. My little Z was estimated to be at about 5.12 lbs (if I remember correctly) that time. So imagine my surprise when I was told that I just gave birth to a 7-lb baby two weeks after. It was a quick and easy delivery, too.
Sometimes I would like time to slow down a bit. I still want to enjoy my little Z as he is – spend more time with him, baby him for a little longer and all that – but there are times as well that I would like time to move a bit faster so that my little boy will already be walking and running around, acting like the very active little big boy that he is. 🙂
My little baby is about to become a toddler. No matter how old he gets, he will always, always be my baby love. <3