Blog Challenge – Day 31: Favorite Hobbies and Way to Spend Down-Time

Here we are, the last challenge. Finally! Haha!

Geez! Given that I was so busy juggling work and mommy life and personal life, I don’t think I have the time for hobbies anymore. When I was a kid though, I like crafts. I do crochet and knitting (which I never really totally got the hang of) but I think most of the time, I was doing cross-stitching. Then some time in college, I got hooked to friendship bracelets. I made a few for my Mom’s Korean students at one time, too. 😀

There was a time that I wanted to take up baking as a hobby. I really, really, really wanted to do that when I was young. But we didn’t have an oven so it was out of the question. Until someone gave us an oven toaster and I discovered that I could bake cookies using that. LOL! But that didn’t really last for long. Until now, I make cookies when I am in the mood to do so. But I might be buying my own oven so I can bake pasta. 😀

Probably one hobby that I have for the longest time is reading. Since high school, I got hooked to reading pocket books. And since 2008 (I think), I had been buying books from thrift shops. As soon as I get off work in the morning, I would spend my time hanging out at Starbucks watching people while listening to music and sipping my venti cup of frappuccino as I wait for the malls to open. Then I would go straight to Book Sale and hunt for interesting books to read (something light that will take the stress off my mind so I could sleep). I haven’t read a book for about two years now, I think. Since I got pregnant, I had a lot more things to think of and get busy with that I never got the chance to read anything anymore. Most of the reading I did was online journals on pregnancy, infants and babies and mommy blogs. 😛

One other hobby that I miss though is writing. Not the kind that I do here in my blog. The creative writing thing. The one where I get to write an emotion out of something that I saw or something that came out of a what-if question. You get my drift. You can check my other blog to know what I am talking about.

I always have a small notebook with me and I ensure that I have a pen handy at all times, too. Before I got pregnant, there were times that I would go have coffee on my own and start writing down what I could think of. Sometimes I write what I feel or think at that moment and sometimes, I write something about a what-if scenario that I have in my head.

Nowadays, I am lucky if I get some time to sit and write down a poem or a prose of that kind. Looks like my head cannot think of anything to write as of yet. Haha!

Given the stressful nature of my life, I am happy to just spend some time (either alone or with a friend) having coffee and watching people walk on by. That’s why I love coffee shops with al fresco dining so I could sit outside and watch people while I drink my coffee, listen to my music and come up with stories of the people walking around or even the ones having coffee at nearby tables. 🙂 I could do this for hours on end. Haha! Well, I used to sit around for about 3 hours on the average and there are times that I get productive and there are times that I just sit and watch and let my mind wander.

I miss doing that. Maybe I should do it again some time.


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