Happy Easter!
I was meaning to post this a couple of days ago but I was so tired from the weekend activities that I never got to finish it. 😛
We didn’t go home to the mountain city for the holy week, rather, my Mom came to the big metro to spend a few days with us and to have a much needed rest. Seems like my Mom’s schedule was fully booked and she was stressed as well so getting away from home was what she needed. My Mom arrived Friday morning and left a couple of hours ago to catch her bus going back home.
I originally planned to have a road trip last Saturday but since my Mom only wanted to rest and chill, we just stayed at home and took advantage of the pool. 🙂 Friday morning after breakfast, we went swimming. In the afternoon, we all took naps. LOL! Yep, it was that kind of a day. We went swimming on Saturday morning then went out for lunch. Bought ice cream, came back home then went back swimming. LOL!

Last Sunday, we went to church, had lunch, then went to Boni Highstreet to check out what they have. We walked for a bit, fed the little boy, walked some more, then ate cupcakes at Slice before deciding to come home since the little boy was already tired and sleepy.

It was a tiring but nevertheless relaxing long weekend. It was nothing extravagant but it was still fulfilling.
Since I mentioned that we went to church last Sunday, there was one take away that I got from the preaching. The church is currently doing a series entitled “The Apostles’ Creed” and I think last Sunday was the sixth week. The topic was about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As I have mentioned a few times already, I am not a religious person nor have I been a regular church goer. But this is really something to think about which I think is very apt for this Easter. So here goes my take away from Pastor Gilbert Foliente’s preaching:
What does Christ’s resurrection mean?
Jesus predicted that he will die but he promised that he will rise again on the third day. During the time that He declared this, nobody totally believed Him. Well, because, nobody really believes that someone rises from the dead. But given that he rose on the third day, He was vindicated. So, resurrection is a reminder that Jesus will always fulfill His promises. If God has fulfilled His promise of rising after 3 days, then He will fulfill his promises to us.
Jesus’ resurrection is a validation that He is who He said He is, which is the Son of God.
When you hurt someone you love, you ask the person how you can make it up to them. But at the same time, it is human nature that, if we are the hurt party, we want to get our revenge. Because we know that if a wrong is done to us, we want the other person to pay. Now, because of our sins, our debt is so huge we cannot pay it. So Christ dying on the cross paid our sins. And as proof, His resurrection is our voucher that our sins are already paid. We no longer need to pay again.
(You can listen to the whole preaching via the podcast uploaded in this link.)
So with that message, to sum it up, Easter gives us hope. Easter reminds us that no matter what we are going through, the fact that Jesus died and rose again after three days gives us hope that our situation – no matter what it is – will be better. All we need to do is claim the promise and have faith and hope that it will be fulfilled in God’s time.
There goes the week that was holy. A relaxing time spent with family and a great message that we need to remind ourselves daily. 🙂