Hello from the mountain city where people are expecting the weather to be cold but in fact, not just yet. 😀
I arrived home this afternoon, around 3:30PM, after hanging in the terminal for about 3 hours just to chance a first class ride. I was able to chance it, thank goodness. I slept the whole trip since I didn’t have any sleep the night before because I had to tidy up my apartment and complete packing the stuff that I will be bringing with me, ensuring that I haven’t forgotten anything. Now, I feel so drowsy due to lack of sleep, I think my head will fall off anytime now.
Moving on. November was a fun month. We started the month off with a small family service to commemorate our loved ones who already passed on. Then middle of the month, Z (along with his nanny) came with me to the big metro for a one-month stay due to several doctor’s appointments. I was able to watch him grow in such a short span of time. I watched him start becoming more confident in walking and in standing on his own. What’s best was that, I got to spend time with Z every day before I go to work.
Z’s Ninang Mau, my friend who now lives in Thailand, also came home for a two-week vacation. We were able to have our girls’ night out as well – Mau, RB and I. 😀 Work was a bit busy last month as well. And it was just last month that I started selling my baked goodies.
My take away for the month of November would be the gift of time. As the saying goes, time is precious. But for me, time is more precious when it is spent with the people that we hold dear. I’m grateful for the time spent with Z and the time spent with my best friends. There’s nothing else that I can ask for.