Okay, not so creative title for this post, I know. But I have a lot of random things that I wanted to write about and I don’t think it is really efficient to put them on separate posts. I have something about my little Z, too, but that will be the only exception.
Workweek Craziness
I have secured approval last week for a 3-day leave starting tomorrow, Wednesday, until Friday. However, it is a crazy week this week at work due to a lot of transitions going on. So, even if I will be on leave, I will have to work from home. Boo!
There are only two of us in our team and I cannot expect to dump all tasks to my colleague since her plate is already full. And we are expected to close a lot of issues within this week as well. Bottomline: too much going around with so little manpower and time.
I didn’t file for leave just because I wanted to, you know. I have a very valid reason as well.
Mother-Son Bonding
My sister is going home tomorrow afternoon (well, this afternoon my side of the world). She cannot stay until the weekend as she has things to take care of back home that couldn’t be pushed out, too. That’s one of the reasons why I filed for leave.
The main reason is, since it is the middle of the week, I talked to my sis if little Z could stay with me for the next few days here in the big metro so we can bond, just the two of us. Given the craziness at work and grueling schedules in the foreseeable future, I had taken advantage of this opportunity to spend time alone with my son because it may be a long time before we can do this again.
It is already the rainy season here and I worry that there might come a time that I wouldn’t be able to go home to my little boy due to strong rains, flooding and other what-nots that happen during the rainy seasons. So this is the best time that I do this.
Another thing is that I haven’t been alone with my son yet. Not this long. We have only spent hours alone together when we go out. This time, I would be a full-time mom to my son – from morning til night – with no assistance. I am excited and worried at the same time but I know I can pull it off. 🙂 I just want to experience how it feels like to raise a child on your own. Even if it is just for a few days.
No Reservations
So I went to the bus terminal after work to get a ticket for my sister’s trip going home. I noticed the post on the window saying “No advanced booking for all routes”. I didn’t mind the post and went ahead to get a ticket for 1PM trip. Afterwards, I asked for a reservation for a deluxe trip on Sunday – when I bring my little boy home to the mountain city.
The lady behind the counter told me that reservations are no longer allowed and that I can only purchase the ticket on the day itself. I find it odd so I asked why. Then she said that it is the new policy of LTFRB. Upon checking Victory Liner’s FB page, it stated that they have suspended reservations since last week in preparation for LTFRB-LTO-DOTC joint administrative order 2014-01.
What in the world are they talking about? I checked the said AO and this is what I have found. I browsed through it and I didn’t see anything about advanced booking for trips. I still find it odd. They still accept advanced booking for within the day trip. That’s why I was able to get a ticket for my sis.
My dilemma now is, how in the world am I going to ensure that I will be able to get the earliest deluxe trip on Sunday? Yikes.
It is going to be a very interesting next few days. Which reminds me, anyone going to the Toycon this weekend? I am so looking forward to it. I’m bringing little Z for some picture taking activities, too. 😀