Blog Challenge: List 10 Things that make you awesome
Wow, talk about vanity! LOL! I don’t know. I don’t think I am awesome in any way. I think I am in constant need of rework to become one. I would think that I am the opposite of awesome. But then again, that’s just me. I think I have very high expectations of myself that even I fall short of it.
So, let’s see if we can come up with a list of 10 things. But first, let’s define awesome. Just so we can align the things that will be listed.
According to Merriam-Webster, awesome is an adjective meaning:
: causing feelings of fear and wonder : causing feelings of awe
: extremely good
Synomyms would be: amazing, astonishing, astounding, marvelous, awful, eye-opening, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, stupendous, sublime, surprising, wonderful, wondrous
Funny that I see awful as a synonym and yet I see awful as an antonym as well. LOL! Anyway, here’s the 10 things that makes me awesome, I think:
1) I think I am a risk taker. But I think this is applicable to specific cases only.
2) I think I am a good friend.
3) I think I a good troubleshooter.
4) I think I am logical.
5) As much as possible, I try not to depend on others to resolve my problems. I only ask for help when I have no other options.
6) I have a job that I love. Not everybody could say this nowadays, I think.
7) I am good with kids and would have been a great baby sitter had I not had my own son 😛
8) I can put myself in other people’s shoes to get a better understanding of how they think and act (although at times, frustrations get ahead of me :P)
9) I have been independent since I was 21.
10) I think I am a generous. I give more than I receive. I like giving more than receiving. I think I am too generous for my own good sometimes.
Would these things make me awesome to say the least? I don’t know. You tell me. 😛
Photo Challenge: Something blue
I just saw day 15’s photo challenge when I started to write this entry and it was such a great timing that my son wore something blue when we went out this afternoon.
Here it is. Doesn’t he just look adorable in plaid? 😀
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o i saw ninong francis wear that on one of his dates hahahah
i look better in it though hahahaha -Z