It’s already 4AM here and I am yet to settle on my bed. I have a leak in the bathroom’s ceiling which I reported to the maintenance when I got home. Unfortunately, the water leakage is coming straight out of the light fixture. That means that I cannot turn the light on to avoid further accidents. Apparently, the leak was caused by the renovation being done at the unit directly above mine. The maintenance guy and one of the roving guards mentioned was not authorized. Oh well.
And I have to get up early later to run some errands that I need completed tomorrow… err, later today, that is. I also need to personally report the leakage in the bathroom to the administration officer to make it official for proper action as well. Such a hassle. It has to be done.
Anyway, this day three years ago marked the biggest turning point in my life. January 14, 2013 was the day that an OB-GYN officially confirmed that I was pregnant. The tumble of emotions, the butterflies in the stomach, the anxiety that day was so high I was not able to concentrate at work after the doctor’s consultation. I remember it like it was just yesterday. 😀 It was an overwhelming day.
When I told the doctor that day that I was delayed, she started asking pregnancy questions like when the first day of my last menstruation was, if I feel any symptoms like nausea, cravings and all that and if I was sexually active. I think it was just those three pertinent questions that were asked before she started computing then told me my expected due date: September 9. I was officially 5 weeks pregnant. She required me to have an ultrasound to further confirm, too, to which – still dumbfounded me – I obediently followed.

Good thing I was not alone during that time. I asked my bestfriend to go with me to the doctor after telling her of the two pregnancy test results that I got the day before. I remember not knowing what to tell her when we saw each other that night. 😛

After my doctor’s appointment, I already knew that I would be keeping my baby. But I do remember coming up with a spreadsheet of the pros and cons of having a baby at what I thought that time was the wrong time. LOL! Seriously, I was such a workaholic those days. I think I had been staring at too many spreadsheets that I needed to come up with one for all the wrong reasons. LOL!
At the end of the day, I don’t regret my decision. I don’t regret getting pregnant even if there is no father around. I already fell in love with my son even before I knew he would be a boy. Well, I fell in love with him after I got over the initial shock which lasted for about a day at the most, I think. 🙂