The Year That Was – A Review of 2014

Here we are on the last day of the year. And while my son take his nap and before I start with my preparations for media noche,ย I am going to take this moment to sit on my, err, my sister’s bed and write this post. So, here goes what happened this year in summary:


This year’s first month was not a really good month for me, so to speak. It was my first time to leave my baby with my Mom while I travel back to the big metro to work. This was when my being a weekend mom started. This month also brought me the most heartbreaking news. I got the results of my son’s karyotyping which confirmed that he has Down’s Syndrome. Even if I had already known what the results would show, seeing it in a piece of paper reviewed by doctors felt more than being sucker-punched. I was bloodlessly bleeding. If you get what I mean.ย This was a month of difficult transitions and heartbreak.


I started with the planning of my baby’s dedication during this month. Apart from that, I couldn’t really remember anything memorable that happened this month. Well, my baby turned 6 months this month. ๐Ÿ˜€


This month, I got to meet a new friend. A Mommy blogger, no less. ๐Ÿ™‚ She happened to have a son with Down Syndrome as well and she and her husband spent one afternoon with us to meet my little boy as well as tell stories of their journey as well. It felt so wonderful to have known this family as I was able to realize that I am not alone in my journey with my son. They have encouraged me to attend the Early Intervention Seminar and I was able to get to know more about DSAPI as well.

Still on this month, I lost my backpack during one of my trip going home. I lost my work laptop, my hard drive with 7 years+ worth of photos and videos, including my wallet and my cards. I know that I have to let that go now but there are still times when I remember that stupidity, it still makes me cringe.


This month was my son’s baby dedication month. I have asked a relative who’s a pastor to facilitate the dedication rites. Unfortunately, a lot of my friends didn’t make it to the event as they were not able to travel from the big metro.


I attended the Early Intervention seminar held by DSAPI with my Mom and sister. There only a few of us who attended but I have felt an overwhelming support from the group. During this month, I started signing up and attending seminars for babies, too, which I attend whenever I get the chance to do so. This was also my first time to celebrate Mother’s day as a real mom. LOL! I used to be greeted as such due to the fact that I used to babysit a lot of kids before.


I experienced being alone with my son for a few days in the big metro. It was a first and I was glad to have survived it. The experience gave me a glimpse of what a work-at-home Mom feels like. And I can say that it was hard. But I enjoyed the few days with my son. Two cousins of mine celebrated their birthdays and along with it, my son celebrated his 10th month as well. ๐Ÿ˜€

Another first for my son – I brought him to our company outing and it was his first time to go to a beach resort.

This month was the start of the testing stages of a project we have at work. And the stress began.


My birth month. I was happy to have been able to ย celebrate my birthday with my little boy. I had invited a few friends for lunch as well only, the day didn’t go as planned. So it was only lunch that happened. I also registered with DSAPI during this month, making me an official member. And my son had his first appointment with a Development Pedia.


Passport renewal that was too much of a hassle, a business trip to Singapore, and my little boy’s first birthday. ๐Ÿ˜€ I almost didn’t make it on his birthday since I was being asked to extend my stay in Singapore. But of course, I am not going to allow it. My son has to come first. Work can come later. ๐Ÿ˜€


Another hospital confinement of the little boy just after his birthday. Good thing it was nothing serious. Blogapalooza was supposed to be this month but it got postponed due to the storm that passed. Christmas songs started being played on the airwaves, malls were all decorated for Christmas and sale events started. I was busy with work to even shop this month. ๐Ÿ˜›


Work was getting a lot busier as we get closer to the go-live date.ย I attended the Blogapalooza and met with a few MBP Moms as well. Even if I didn’t finish the whole event, I still enjoyed the time spent. Got lots of freebies, too. LOL! We also attended MBP’s first Halloween party. It was fun.


Work was too busy during this month that I spent two weekends in the office. Yep, almost no weekend as we were already at the final stages of testing. It was very stressful to say the least. This month was my best friend’s birthday as well. There were a lot of sale events that I didn’t get to go to during this month.


First few weeks spent mostly working, company’s year end party at KPub in BGC, a former team’s reunion (though there were only a handful of us), Christmas in the mountain city, not much shopping done due to some other priorities, dinner dates with little Z’s ninongs and ninangs, Z’s first time to watch the Ayala Triangle lights show (it was a promise fulfilled), roadtrips with the little boy.


When I look back into this year, I could say that this was a very challenging year indeed. I started transitioning to being a corporate slave during the week and a weekend mom comes the weekend. I had to get used to commuting from the big metro to the mountain city almost every weekend, deal with bi-monthly doctor’s consultations during the first few months, learn how to manage my time between work and being a mom.

I think I learned a few things. But I know that there will still be a lot of things for me to learn.

So, for next year, 2015, here are a few things that I claim to happen:

More money, more love, more happiness, more time for myself and my little Z, more success. More of everything good and positive and less of negativity. ๐Ÿ˜€

To 2014, thank you for all the challenges, for the trials, for the happy times, for the learnings.

To 2015: well, I hope you will be nicer but then again, bring it on! ๐Ÿ˜€


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