Blog Challenge: Describe your location
My location. Let’s see. I have been living in the “big” city for the past 8.5 years now where traffic is loud and traffic jams are part of everyday commute life, malls are beside each other, flyovers are everywhere (but still, traffic jams don’t ease up), the climate is a lot warmer than where I come from, tall buildings are sprouting like mushroom, a little rain floods the streets and again, causes traffic jams, taxi drivers don’t give exact change, and your every move would almost literally mean spending money.
My exact specific location as of this moment: I’m in the office. My station is currently located at the center of the floor area with the Director’s office door just a little to the right behind me, the Manager’s office off to the left. My desk is quite a mess, my tray is full of papers that haven’t been sorted for years now (I know, 5S ruling), I’ve got calendars on each side of my desk (and yet another calendar right in front of me).
But I don’t think my exact specific location is the one needed. LOL! So, let’s go back to the general location. My apartment building is about 10-20 minutes walk away from 5 shopping malls and about 15 minutes walk to my office building. My area does not flood when it rains (thank heavens for small miracles) and it is relatively quiet given that it is about three blocks away from the main highway.
I live within the center of the region so it is relatively easy to commute to any parts of the region (well, it’s relatively easy to go to the mall up north or to the mall down south and it takes about an hour to an hour and a half depending on the traffic but I think it only takes about thiry minutes or even less if the roads are clear).
Well, I guess that’s it. This place is far from where I come from but I guess the city I grew up in is getting close to becoming, well, worse as this place.
Bottomline: we need more trees in the city, too. 😛
Photo Challege: Mug-shot
I don’t have a mug-shot photo of little Z as of yet. But I guess this photo is close LOL!