November 3, 2013 at 2:10 AM (as of typing this line) in this side of the world. Start of my photo and blog challenge. Let’s do this! 🙂
So, since it is still way early in the morning, I will start with the blog challenge first. I’ll post the photo challenge day 1 once the sun is up this side of the world and once my baby is awake. He’s sleeping too peacefully to disturb it now.
Okay, here goes – Day 1 challenge: Self-portrait and 5 random facts about me

- This is a no-brainer:Â I am a control-freak. I like taking charge and being in control and I want things done the way I see fit. I get frustrated with situations that I have no say or no control about it.
- I am impatient. I have a tendency to go crazy mad or depressed if I don’t get what I want at a time that I have set for it.
- I have impulsive tendencies. I am an impulsive shopper. As long as I have the moolah and I see something that I want, I buy it. No second thoughts. Period.
- I love travelling may it be local or international. Road trip, plane ride or boat ride, let me know, I’m game. 🙂
- This is going to be a big surprise for a few people out there, I think. For a long time now, I have been thinking of buying myself a pair of those 6-inch killer stilettos just for the sake of having one. My only problem is, I don’t know how to walk in them. Haha!
That wasn’t so bad. That was pretty easy, I guess. Hey, nobody said that the self portrait should be as of press time so I picked out one from the archives for this entry. Haha!
Photo Challenge Day 1 to follow after a few hours. 😛
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