It’s a few minutes past 6 in the morning here in this side of the world. Last day of the month of June. 🙂 I just arrived from the mountain city about an hour ago and I should be sleeping now for a few more hours before I start my work day. I slept through the whole trip (which was surprisingly only about 5 hours – I was expecting a 6-hour trip) and I usually sleep a few more hours when I get home but for some reason, I feel tired but not at all sleepy.
Anyways, the last two days were full of celebrations back home. My cousin, Ate Cyn, celebrated her birthday and invited us for dinner at her home. Her birthday was actually yesterday, but since she was traveling back to the big metro by midnight, too, she opted to celebrate on Saturday instead. A few family and friends came.
It was Z’s second time to see my Auntie Nena and first time to meet Auntie Cion.
Since the little boy was sleepy when we got to my cousin’s place and slept after dinner, there’s not much photos taken with him. But here’s one that I grabbed from one of my cousin’s post:
Sunday was a dual celebration. Another cousin of mine, Aiya, had her birthday on the 25th. She celebrated it a day earlier with friends at home and she decided to have another celebration for family on the 29th. Since it was Z’s tenth month as well, I had already planned to have the usual cake and asked my brother to cook pasta for dinner.
Aiya had pasta and cake served in the afternoon. 😀 I didn’t have any photos taken since Z and I went out early in the afternoon to meet with my friend and Z’s Ninong, Francis, who went up to the mountain city to join the Milo fun run:
I had already planned to serve pasta for Z’s 10th month celebration. It was a good thing that Aiya served carbonarra. Whew! LOL! My brother Reis cooked the pasta and my Mom grilled the fish. Reis’s pasta sauce is the best! As what he calls it, it is the not-for-kids pasta sauce. LOL! It is not your usual Filipino-style sweet spaghetti sauce. It is more sour and tomato-ey (if there is such a term, haha) in taste. 🙂
And of course, we haven’t forgotten the cake (but I almost forgot to buy it when Z and I were about to leave the mall. Geez!):
And here is the little boy with his cake:
And here is Z with some of his cousins:
About an hour after, the little boy was sound asleep. He got tired from all of the excitement, I guess. 😀 I think he knew that there was something about to happen that’s why he didn’t nap before dinner. LOL!
It was a great weekend to end the month of June. Until the next family gathering. 😀 The whole gang has been cooking up some plans for next weekend so, stay tuned. 😀